Table of Contents


Key Takeaways

  1. Happiness Is a Biological Necessity
  1. Happiness Drives Success, Not Vice Versa
  1. The Three Levels of Wellbeing:
      • Happiness (Nature/Nurture, Set by Set Points)
      • Enjoyment (High Flow)
      • Meaning (High Flow+Purpose)
  1. 4. Positive Psychology Basics

Exercise - The Perma Happy Map

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Stage 1 - Mapping Baseline Happy:

Finding out where you sit with respect to each element of PERMA.
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Stage 2 - Finding The Source of Happy:

Determine the activities, experiences, people (etc.) that contribute most to your wellbeing.
ENGAGEMENT What are the one or two activities in your life where you get into the deepest flow states?
Your notes
POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS What 20% of your relationships bring you 80% of the relational contentment you currently experience?
Your notes
POSITIVE EMOTIONS What 20% of experiences bring you 80% of your positive experience?
Your notes
ACCOMPLISHMENT What are the one of two accomplishments, that would bring you maximal satisfaction over the coming X PERIOD?
Your notes
MEANING What activities make you feel most like you’re contributing to something larger than yourself?
Your notes

Stage 3 - Rebalancing Happy:

Planning steps to expand the highest yield activities, experiences, people (etc.) to accelerate flourishing.
Write down the three next actions you are going to take to activate the PERMA Happy Map. Make sure that you have a specific plot - where and when - for each action so that you’re committed to doing them.
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Action 1
Your notes
Action 2
Your notes
Action 3
Your notes


Accurate Flow: Accurate Flow Is Simultaneous Happiness & Success. It Consists of Activities Leading to Goals and Wellbeing + Flow.
PERMA: Positive Emotions Engagement Relationships Meaning Accomplishment
