Zero to Dangerous - Workbooks

Internal Flow Triggers and Complete Concentration

To be distracted against one’s will is the surest sign that one is not in control ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Table of Contents


Key Takeaways

  1. 22 Flow Triggers: The High-Performance Tool Kit
  1. Internal Triggers
  1. The How of Autonomy
  1. The Mechanics of Complete Concentration


1. Locus of Control Assessment

Is this your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd time taking this assessment?
Every question has two parts a. and b. Note the number and letter you most agree with for each question.
1 a. Many of the unhappy things in people’s lives are partly due to bad luck.
1b. People’s misfortunes often result from the mistakes they make.
2a. In the long run, people get the respect they earn in this world.
2b. Unfortunately, an individual’s worth often passes unrecognized no matter how hard they try.
3a. If I prepare well for my test, there is rarely, if ever, an unfair test. Exam questions tend to be unrelated to course work so studying is often useless.
3b. Exam questions tend to be unrelated to course work so studying is often useless.
4a. Becoming a successful student is a matter of hard work; luck has little or nothing to do with it.
4b. Being successful mainly depends on being at the right place at the right time.
5a. When I make plans, I am almost certain that I can make them work.
5b. It is not always wise to plan too far ahead because it can be random if things work out or not.
6a. What happens in my life is my own doing.
6b. Sometimes I feel that I don’t have enough control over the direction my life is taking.
7a. I believe more in the power of destiny or fate.
7b. I believe more in the power of my hard work.
8a. No matter what I do, I am bound to fail at the classes that are too challenging for me.
8b. If I work hard enough and have the right skills, I can be successful, even in my most difficult courses.
9a. When I get a bad grade, I am likely to think about how to study or prepare differently next time.
9b. When I get a bad grade on an exam, I am likely to think the questions were unfair, too hard, or asking about material not covered in class.
10a. Things in life happen to me, often outside of my control.
10b. Things in my life happen as a result of my own choices.
11a. When bad things happen in my life, I think of ways I can change my behavior to avoid a similar situation.
11b. When bad things happen, I recognize that sometimes there is nothing I can do to avoid it.
12a. I have one way to approach challenges and if it doesn’t work, I am likely to move onto something else; some things just aren’t meant to be.
12b. When I am faced with a challenge, I am likely work at it until I find a solution.
Score your answers using the following scale
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The Distraction Checklist

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What are my top five distractions?
What steps can I take to minimize each of them?
When should I take those steps?

Lesson Resources

  1. EEG marker for mental fatigue By O.Geoffrey Okogbaa
  1. Employee burnout: the biggest myth By Ben Wigert
  1. Work can be stressful, dangerous and sometimes great By April Fulton
  1. How CEOs manage time By Michael E. Porter and Nitin Nohria
  1. The science and fiction of meetings By Steven G. Rogelberg, Cliff Scott and John Kello
  1. How to stop wasting 2.5 hours on email every day By Annabel Acton
  1. The U.S. is the Most Overworked Developed Nation in the World By G.E. Miller
  1. American time use survey- 2019 results By U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  1. Time Management Facts and Figures By Jeff Nagle
  1. The State of Work Life Balance in 2019: What we learned from studying 185 million hours of working time By Jory MacKay
  1. Stress Research By American Psychological Association
  1. The Anatomy of Work Index By Asana