Table of Contents


Key Takeaways

  1. Mapping Your Calendar for Flow
  1. Executing Your Weekly Strategy Session
  1. Executing Your Daily Power Down Ritual
  1. Flowy Execution All the Way to Success

Exercise - Optimizing Your Calendar for Flow

notion image
  1. Set all recurring events—workouts, deep flow blocks, learning sessions, family time, weekly strategy session, and power down ritual
  1. Add clear goals for all recurring events
  1. Add agenda for power down ritual:
    1. Review Your Weekly Goals
    2. Refine Daily Goals for Next Day & Schedule 3dp’s For Next Day
    3. Prep All Tasks for the Next Day to Eliminate Friction
    4. Clear out Undone Tasks & Tie All Loose Ends
  1. Weekly strategy session
    1. 1 Hour per Week, Same Time, Ideally Same Place
    2. Ritualize It
    3. Before the Week Starts — Ideally Sunday
    4. Agenda:
      1. Review Your Goal Stack—Top to Bottom & Modify Goals Accordingly
      2. Assess Weekly Goals Against Monthly Goals
      3. Set Weekly Goals & 3wp’s
      4. Set Daily Goals & 3dp’s
      5. Map All of It on Your Calendar
      6. Enjoy the Flowy Execution!
  1. Implement power down ritual TODAY & weekly strategy session this week


The Straight Jacket Effect: Anything that severely confines, constricts, or hinders. It is the idea that we're doing these things to facilitate INCREASED flexibility—to be able to tolerate more ambiguity—to be able to adapt more rapidly. It's rigidity in one area to facilitate heightened flexibility in another area where that matters more.
Power Move: A Power Move is a swift and simple action that asserts the superiority of its enactor.

Lesson Resources

  1. Personal Information Management, By William P. Jones
  1. Self-regulation of time management: Mental contrasting with implementation intentions, By Ottengen, G., et al., 2015
  1. An Exploratory Study of Calendar Use, By Tungare, M., et al., 2008
  1. Decreasing students’ stress through time management training: an intervention study, By Hafner, A., et al., 2014
  1. From Fantasy to Action: Mental Contrasting With Implementation Intentions (MCII) Improves Academic Performance in Children, By Duckworth, A., et al., 2013
  1. Why Calendars are More Effective Than To Do Lists
  1. Principles of Effective Time Management for Balance, Well-being, and Success
  1. Worshipping Your Calendar Is a Massive Flow Hack:
    1. Helps Separate Strategy and Execution
    2. Protects Against Unwanted Divergent Thinking
    3. Lowers Cognitive Load
    4. Leverages Clear Goals
    5. Improves Strategic Thinking and Accuracy of Flow States
  1. The Art of Calendar Worship:
    1. Fixed Container of Hours
    2. Recurring Events for Protection
      1. Workouts
      2. Flow Blocks & Power Moves
      3. Learning
      4. Time Off
    3. Clear Goals for All Recurring Events